How to Remove a Song From a Spotify Playlist – Android
Removing a song from your playlist on your Android device only takes a few steps.
You only have rights to remove a song that you added to a playlist that you created.
Removing a song from one playlist doesn’t delete it or remove it from any of your other playlists.
Your change to the playlist will be updated across all of your devices.
1. Open the playlist with the song to remove
in Spotify, open the playlist that lists the song you want to remove:

2. Select Edit playlist
Once the playlist is open, select Edit playlist. This will list the songs on the playlist:

3. Select the three dots of the song being removed from your playlist
Find the song to remove and select the three dots on the right hand side of the song. This will open the options to edit the song on your playlist(sorry Harry – just for demonstration purposes only):

4. Select Remove from this Playlist
Finally, select Remove from this Playlist. Spotify will notify you when the song is removed, with a ‘Removed from this playlist‘ message at the bottom of the screen:

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